Improve your swing with this golf-specific physio sequencing session
If you’re looking to improve your swing it’s not just about getting lessons or spending time on the range – it’s about staying in shape too. So in our latest run of specialist golf fitness videos, we’ve teamed up with Mike Murray of MM Physio to take a look at some of the sequenced movement patterns that are needed in a golf swing. A combination of strength and conditioning, as well as low threshold stability and mobility work, is key to creating a successful repeatable pattern in your golf swing.
Episode 1: Improving stability
First up two exercises to work on stability in golf posture. The hip external rotation with heel raise is great for activating the pelvis while maintaining a good upper body posterior chain. While the sumo squat is good to develop the feeling of a neutral spin while overloading the hips and pelvis.
Try out these exercises and see how it isolates those key areas you need as a minimum base to have a repeatable swing pattern. Have a go at three sets of 10 reps for each exercise.
Episode 2: Mobility is key
Improving mobility will help you repeat and maintain an efficient and consistent golf swing. Great stability and power is built on an efficient and mobile base.
Here Mike is showing you some basic mobility moves you can do with just a golf club. Most golfers struggle with restrictions in their shoulder girdle, thoracic spine and lower back.
Have a go at three sets of 10 reps for each exercise.
Episode 3: Disassociation
In this episode Mike is talking about disassociation which is the separating of movement of the upper and lower body. Understanding that your body connection is what allows you to repeat a biomechanical pattern is essential.
Performing efficient functional patterns of movement such as these will condition your body to allow it to adapt to what your swing goals are. Have a go at three sets of 10 reps for each exercise.
Episode 4: Manual Manipulation
And finally, after barely leaving our house for weeks, I think we all feel like we need this right now…
About Mike Murray
Mike Murray is a chartered physiotherapist specialising in golf specific screening, conditioning, and treatment programming. His expertise from a background in professional football and working with tour golf professionals provides an opportunity for his clients to achieve their bodies’ maximum potential via his tailored approach. You can follow him on Instagram, Facebook, or visit the MM Physio website.
- Click here for more golf fitness tips from NCG
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Hannah Holden
Hannah Holden is the Equipment and Instruction Editor here at National Club Golfer. If you’re looking to improve your game, by changing your golf swing or upgrading your golf equipment she’ll have the answers.
As well as writing lots of features and reviews you can find her on our YouTube channel giving you insights on the latest rules, clubs and tips to improve your golf game.
Hannah is a member at Alwoodley golf club. You will either find her here or driving up and down the country playing in a variety of elite amateur events.