Bernhard Langer

Bernhard Langer’s 10-step fitness programme

Now into his 60s, Bernhard Langer remains one of the fittest players on tour. He shares his secrets with NCG

At my age golf fitness is more focused on stretching than on building muscle. It’s important for to stay flexible and not to lose strength so I do bands and light weights. I have never done heavy weights, which a lot of the young guys do nowadays. I do what I know and what I think is good for me.

Before a round I usually spend about an hour in the fitness trailer before I warm up on the range. I show up around three hours before my tee time. In the fitness trailer I get my heartbeat up and stretch and do a light workout. Then I will spend about half an hour to get something to eat and put my sunblock on.

Then I will spend an hour warming up on the putting green, chipping green, hitting bunker shots, hitting some longer shots, then back to the putting green before arriving on the tee about five minutes before my tee time. That is my routine.

I don’t get a massage before I play. I prefer that afterwards. I have found out that I can get almost too loose before a round.

In terms of longevity there is really not one secret. There are a lot of things that need to come together. You need to be healthy, to be able to swing the club how you want to swing it, you have to be determined, and you have to practice every aspect of the game.

You need good technique, you need to withstand the pressure we play under, you need to be able to play shots on all the uneven lies, you need to chip and out well, and control your bunker shots.

You also need to control your emotions and there is all sorts of stuff that contributes to being successful.

I have been blessed with a good coach in Willy Hoffman and a good manager in my brother Erwin, and good caddies, and if the people around me have treated me well and tried their best then I have always been loyal to them. That has worked well for me and I am very blessed and fortunate to have had this long career so far. When I started out I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

So here is my 10-step golf fitness programme that will get you in the best possible shape for our beautiful game.

Bernhard Langer’s Golf Fitness Programme: Step 1

Golf fitness tips with Bernard Langer

Bernhard Langer’s Golf Fitness Programme: Step 2

Golf fitness tips with Bernard Langer

Bernhard Langer’s Golf Fitness Programme: Step 3

Golf fitness tips with Bernard Langer

Bernhard Langer’s Golf Fitness Programme: Step 4

Golf fitness tips with Bernard Langer

Bernhard Langer’s Golf Fitness Programme: Step 5

Golf fitness tips with Bernard Langer

Bernhard Langer’s Golf Fitness Programme: Step 6

Golf fitness tips with Bernard Langer

Bernhard Langer’s Golf Fitness Programme: Step 7

Golf fitness tips with Bernard Langer

Bernhard Langer’s Golf Fitness Programme: Step 8

Golf fitness tips with Bernard Langer

Bernhard Langer’s Golf Fitness Programme: Step 9

Golf fitness tips with Bernard Langer

Bernhard Langer’s Golf Fitness Programme: Step 10

Golf fitness tips with Bernard Langer

Bernhard Langer was talking to NCG as an ambassador for Mercedes-Benz.

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Mark Townsend

Been watching and playing golf since the early 80s and generally still stuck in this period. Huge fan of all things Robert Rock, less so white belts. Handicap of 8, fragile mind and short game

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