How to hit it high with Rebecca McGinley
Rebecca McGinley holds the 2015 UK women’s Long Drive title, and finished 3rd at the 2015 World Long Drive Championships.
She played in ten LETAS tournaments during 2015. Her best finish of the season came at the final tournament of the season, the WPGA International Challenge.
Rebecca joins us down at The Shack to talk us through the high shot with our resident pro.
Obviously ball position is a key thing in golf and a lot of people don’t realise how important it is.
For a normal 7 iron shot I would tend to play the ball slightly off centre towards my front foot but not a lot.
So to hit a high shot I would simply have the ball slightly more forward and instead of leaning forward I would have my spine angle more away from the ball.
At this point our resident pro stepped in to give Rebecca a few pointers on how to hit it even higher.
I think for your shot shape and watching how you swing the club I’d maybe ask you to change a few things.
Firstly I wouldn’t have the ball as far forward. Have it more centred, a little forward yes, but open your body up a bit more and really swing to the left. You’ll see the ball flight a lot higher than usual.
Rebecca and the Pro sat back down to talk about the three key points when hitting a high shot…
1- Move the ball forward in your stance, but just ever so slightly
2- Have your spine angle away from the ball
3- Make sure through contact you are hitting the ball on the up.