Want 2019 to be your best year ever? Take action now
As you reflect on your year in golf, ask yourself these questions:
Was 2018 a good year on the golf course for you?
Did you achieve what you set out to? Were your expectations met?
What can you learn from this year?
Reflection is a vital piece of the jigsaw if you are to take your golf game to where you really want it to be.
Is it possible that 2019 might be your best ever year on the golf course?
What does a good year look like?
If you don’t know the answers to these last two questions, could it be that you are essentially going through the motions every time you play golf without really having a clear intention of what you would really like to achieve on the golf course?
We all play golf for different reasons. As golfers, we all clearly like to be outdoors. We like to spend time with our friends in a relaxed and informal environment. We love the challenge that golf presents us but how quickly do we lose sight of all of the reasons we love the game when we slice a tee shot off the first or three putt yet again?
Grab a notebook and pen and write down what you really love about playing golf. This may sound like a strange thing to do but trust me, this is a worthwhile exercise. Before you know it, you’ll be writing down reasons you play golf that you have probably forgotten about or lost sight of.
If that is the case, perhaps it’s time for a rethink, time for you to create a new you as a golfer. Time to start afresh. If you don’t do this, the likelihood of you ever making any real, measurable progress as a golfer is minimal at best.
If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you always got.
If you want to avoid another disappointing year on the golf course and believe that 2019 could possibly be your best ever, you must do one thing. Take action!
You can think and talk about it all you like but until you actually do something about it, until you take action, nothing will change.
This time last year, Karl Morris and I were talking about writing a book on putting. We could have talked endlessly about it but the fact if the matter is, we took action and put pen to paper.
Twelve months down the line and The Lost Art Of Putting has been a best seller on Amazon and the feedback we have received from around the world has been extremely positive.
It is incredibly rewarding to hear so many putting success stories from our students and people who have read the book and ultimately taken action on the principles we share in the book.
If you haven’t read it, put The Lost Art Of Putting on your Christmas wish list and we look forward to hearing your very own success stories over the coming months once you have done the one thing you need to. Take action!
Seasons greetings from everyone at The Lost Art Of Putting which is available in both hardback and Kindle on Amazon.