The world according to… Matt Wallace
What does Matt Wallace like to binge watch? What was the last album he downloaded? And what does he think when he looks in the mirror?
NCG asks the players all the important questions – and they are happy to answer…
What would you do if you were president for the day?
Deport Donald Trump.
What was the last event you bought tickets for?
Tickets for a show for me and my girlfriend.
The last time you were tipsy?
Oh that would have been Christmas!
Last album you downloaded?
That would have been a relaxation album from Spotify.
What’s the one thing you can’t live without?
My golf clubs.
One TV series you keep going back to?
Modern Family.
What is your favourite film?
Austin Powers in Goldmember.
What’s the perfect night out?
Just having some of my best friends around, having a few drinks and just taking it very easy back at the house.
What do you think when you look in the mirror?
When was the last time you cried?
To a film, and it’s the only film I’ve ever cried at. It’s Click. It’s a bad one.
What’s your guilty pleasure?
The boring one is chocolate isn’t it, but everyone loves chocolate.
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About Matt Wallace
Matt Wallace is a professional golfer who plays on the European Tour and ranked inside the world’s top 100 players.
Wallace is a two-time winner on tour with his most recent win coming at the 2018 Hero Indian Open where he defeated fellow countryman Andrew Johnston in a play-off.
His first win was back in 2017 where he went wire-to-wire at the Open de Portugal which helped him gain full membership on the tour.