Gary Nicol’s Short Game Secrets: The downhill chip shot
In our quest to learn how to improve shot selection, The Golf Shack Academy on tour found our way to Archerfield Links, East Lothian, Scotland. Whilst there, we caught up with Gary Nicol, European Tour coach at TPEGS coaching, also based at Archerfield.
Chipping around the greens can often be the downfall of a lot of amateur golfers, especially when faced with a downhill chip shot off a tight lie.
Gary Nicol’s short game secrets: Mastering the flop shot
Gary Nicol’s short game secrets: The art of shot selection
A lot of amateur and club golfers get scared of the downhill chip shot because they think they are going to thin it.
Well they will thin it if they make the cardinal error or leaning back and trying to lift the ball in the air. As they do that the club starts to work up and then catch the ball with the bottom of the club resulting in a thin.
In order to avoid thinning the downhill chip shot make sure you follow Gary’s key points below.
For more great intrusion tips from National Club Golfer be sure to visit our dedicated tips page here.