Dan Frost: Putting with the lock in grip
The Body Anchor & Quiet Hands Drill
One of the most overlooked aspects of putting is our connection with the ground.
You would be astonished how many players start with their weight predominantly on their right side and the amount of excessive weight shift occurs throughout the stroke.
Think of your set up like a sky scrapper. If the foundation moves, the top floor will sway.
You need to select a club that reaches your belt buckle or hip, this is normally your 6 or 7 iron. then carefully secure the butt e of the club under your belt as you take your stance.
Make strokes back and through, focusing on keeping the shaft still. Work on this for several minutes and then remove the club and try and feel the same rock-solid stroke in regular action.
This will help keep the right hand maintains that pressure to keep the butt-end on the left forearm throughout.
The body will also stay nice and still the more you practice the technique and will help you control your left side to stop the right side dominating the putting stroke.