Golf tips: Why do you go to the driving range?

Golf tips: Why do you go to the driving range?

Why we must ask ourselves this question on every visit

If we make the decision to get off the sofa and head to the driving range that is all well and good.

But before we get out of the car and get stuck into a basket of balls we must ask ourselves – why am I here?

If we can’t give a quality answer then it is unlikely that we are going to have a quality practise session.

So what are we hoping to achieve when we of to the range?

Are we going to work on our shot-shaping? Are we going to practise some takeaway drills. Do we want to improve our mid-irons?

If we can give a quality answer to the initial question then it is far more likely we are going to have a productive session.

Click on the video to hear performance coach Duncan McCarthy explain the theory in more detail.


James Savage

Former equipment editor of NCG. Inconsistent ball-striker and tea-maker.

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