Golf tips: Improve your pre-shot routine by slowing down

Golf tips: Improve your pre-shot routine by slowing down

It may seem a bit monotonous but it will seriously improve your focus on each shot

What do you do when you purchase a basket of balls at the driving range?

I bet most of you pour them out in front of you and start bashing away.

One of the crucial elements of golf which often gets forgotten or neglected when at the driving range is the pre-shot routine.

Before we know it we will have smashed our way through 50 balls and end up leaving dissatisfied or purchasing another 50.

This simple drill from performance coach Duncan McCarthy will help add focus to each shot you hit at the driving range and will more closely reflect the time and focus required when actually on the golf course.

Click on the video to see Duncan’s full demonstration.

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James Savage

Former equipment editor of NCG. Inconsistent ball-striker and tea-maker.

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