How to Find the Best Betting Tips Online
The internet has a plethora of betting tips from “pros” who talk about unreal results whilst at the same time asking for a hefty subscription fee that is totally worth it. The bottom-line question is should you pay for tips and could free tips to be lucrative? It’s hard to choose whether to go with free betting tips or pay for them and we are going to discuss some advantages and disadvantages of paying for tips within this article.
Paying for Tips
To be perfectly honest, you shouldn’t pay for tips like today’s cricket match result. The industry is not full of happy and successful stories and you are likely to hear bad stories if you start digging around, and for a reason. The bought selections are rarely successful and players also give money for expensive subscription fees. These tipsters use marketing to lure you in so you have to be truly careful because they will always have the numbers behind them.
Breath-taking Successes
Don’t fall victim to amazing winning percentages because they are usually a lie. Some will completely fake the percentages whilst some will only talk about the most successful periods and not about their total percentages. Some who are at approximately fifty-fifty percentages will leave out the missed ones and talk only about their good moments. Some will have several clubs for a different type of bettors and will only provide the highest percentage.
Simply put, these handicappers know that people’s good judgments loosen up after hearing about amazing winning percentages which are why they do it and why it is successful. Still, there are good tipsters out there but it will be hard to find them. If you want, make sure that their picks are completely available for you to evaluate both the good and the bad runs that they had. You are searching for transparency and those who won’t disclose their results are the ones who don’t have them. So, read about the tipsters on forums and social media and be careful prior to pay for some service.
How to Locate the Worthy Ones
Think about it, it is hard to specialize in broader terms but easier in micro markets. Thus, you are searching for a person who bets one to two markets and has specialized in them. These are usually softer markets and not the biggest leagues. Let’s say that a tipster talks about betting one to two leagues that he is completely familiar with. It is logical that this tipster is likely to have maybe 60/40 winning percentages or so. Don’t expect more. Most have 50/50. They will certainly provide their results for you.