Alnmouth Village

Alnmouth Village

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Alnmouth Village makes it into our Fun Top 100 with something to spare, and the descriptions of it from those who've played it are enough to immediately make those that haven't start planning a trip to north-east England.

Rye, Royal North Devon and St Andrews Old have all been mentioned when our panellists describe Alnmouth Village, whose romantic motto is the MacDonald clan maxim of 'Per Mare Per Terras' (by sea and land).

This delightful links is the oldest nine-hole golf club in England, with over 150 years of history having been founded in 1869.

It boasts proper links fairways, fun greens in great nick and views to die for. It is, needless to say, very short by modern standards but the customary breeze - as well as factors such as a road across the 2nd and the myriad challenges on the fabulous 5th - keeps you honest.

It opens with its only par 3, played to a green that’s hard to hit, so if you are using a putter for your second you have begun well.

As well as the road, there is out of bounds down the right and bunkers on the left to avoid - so after two holes, already it is clear this will be great fun, but no pushover. Chris Bertram