golf society

Society of the Month – December

Djakarta Old Golf Society

Year Founded


golf society




Geographic Area you play most

Jakarta, Indonesia

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Annual Tour

We play annual matches against other society’s in Jakarta.  Our End of Year Party is our biggest event; held following the last round of the year.  Our Top Dog, player who has accumulated most points for the year, is awarded at the event.  All Champions from the year receive their tailor made Blue Jackets at the event.

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golf society


The D.O.G.S. play a 6 week tournament consisting of an Eclectic competition and Lowest Gross competition.  For the Eclectic, a players best score from each hole over the course of the competition is used to determine the overall champion.  The winner of the Eclectic takes home the coveted Big Dog.  Lowest Gross Champion is determined by averaging players best 4 gross scores over the 6 weeks.

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How Many golfers

We regularly have over 40 golfers turning up each week

Why did it start

The original D.O.G.S. are based in Manila.

When Founder Fritz Hainzl moved to Jakarta he saw a need for a similar organization and formed the Djakarta Old Golf Society.

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How do you select which courses to play

Ramadan, which leads up to Idul Fitri, determines how we set up the season.

Our Ramadan course is the same every year and since Idul Fitri dates change every year, we have to arrange our 6 week tournament around it.

This ends up dictating what week we start play in January.

With that tournament scheduled we arrange the other course schedules on either side of it.

We also have to take into account whether we are in the rainy or dry seasons.  We try to stay away from the mountain courses during the rainy season.

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Favourite Course played with Society

All our courses have features that make them interesting to play and management always treats us well no matter the venue.

Our favourite course is whichever one we happen to be playing.

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golf society

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Top Tips for running a golf society

The 3 tips are as follows –

  1. Have a committee dedicated to making sure the society is run smoothly. This takes a lot of time and effort and needs to be shared so as not to overwhelm anyone.
  2. Having a system to ensure everyone is using a verifiable handicap.
  3. Using a system to track scoring that allows for quick compilation following rounds.

We use the myGolf2u app for items 2 and 3.  It allows us to manage our membership and tournaments with ease.  At our request they integrated our Eclectic format into their app and are very supportive.

The D.O.G.S. were instrumental in getting several other golfing societies in Jakarta to move to myGolf2u.  This makes things very simple for handicap verification across the societies.




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3 reasons to join the Society

3 reasons to join our Society are as follows –

  1. We negotiate favourable rates at the best courses.
  2. Our format allows for players to enjoy healthy competition yet still have fun.
  3. Great way to meet new people.

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golf society

golf society

Club Membership Split

A club membership is not required to be able to play the courses here in Jakarta so most of our members do not have memberships at any particular course.

They prefer to vary courses they play throughout the year.

Mental/Physical Health benefits

Golf in Jakarta allows for players to get away from the concrete jungle and spend some time in the sun and amongst the lush rainforest.

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During tournaments we take donations in our charity barrel after each round and at the end of the tournament these are donated to a charity that has a connection to the D.O.G.S.

We are proud to report that the D.O.G.S. have donated over 260,000,000 IDR to various charities over the years.

More information can be found on our dedicated charity page.

Final Thoughts

Players of all levels are welcome and newcomers are encouraged.

Joining is easy, just contact us via our website and let us know you would like to play.


Also check out all previous Golf Societies of the Month.